Oh darn, I won't be able to make fun of Aaron Maybin's philosophic Tweets anymore. And maybe I shouldn't have to begin with. The unsigned linebacker tweeted today that he's been getting some negative feedback regarding his long contract dispute and has decided to put the kibosh on Twitter.
"Unfortunately, because of the ignorance and stupidity of some people on twitter, I have decidend not to sign on again until my contract is signed.
"I'm tired of having to defend myself and my love for this game and the Bills franchise every day, to those who know nothing about the business.''
"Thank u 2 all my real Bills fans. U are the reason I work as hard as i do & u will see A.M. very soon!''
I'm not sure what the rush is to get the guy in camp. Even if he got to camp on time, he wouldn't be contending for a starting job. At the same time shutting down your tweets because some Internet nerd (me) has been messaging you about getting to camp is a sign you don't like getting called out. Welcome to the NFL son. Kawaika Mitchel (Twitter extraordinaire) gave his expertise on the situation.
"u will ALWAYS face doubter/haters. Don't let them stop u. If u want to tweet or anything just do u. Haters everywhere we go.''
"get ur $ now b/c 20 yrs down the road no 1 will ever care about this. Ur play will b ur legacy. Ur not the 1st, won't b last. take ur time. We kno what u stand 4!''
"it's ridiculous 4 players 2 b blamed 4 contract disputes. If u watch the NFL, play fantasy fb, by pl cards, but tics or buy merchandise and anything else that's cost many that has to do w/ the NFL, u should understand that the business makes a lot of $. Why shouldn't the ppl doin the work benefit.
"Why shouldn't we take our time and make sure our contracts r structured to benefit us. Ppl don't be ignorant. Think about it as a business b/c the owners do.''
When did Mitchell become the go to guy when it came to issues in the NFL. First he was ticked off about Antonio Cromartie getting fined for talking s#$t about the food, now he's on a rampage against fans who want players to get into camps. I'm giving it till October for Mitchell to get fined by the NFL for saying something they don't like. I'm thinking dress code issues on the field. I'll be honest, I'm on Mitchell's side. Dude has to take care of business first and foremost. The only issue I could see it having is putting a microscope on him when reporting to camp. Once Maybin makes a mistake or is invisible during a game, you know those same fans who blamed Jason Peters play for holding out last year, will be at it again.
"Unfortunately, because of the ignorance and stupidity of some people on twitter, I have decidend not to sign on again until my contract is signed.
"I'm tired of having to defend myself and my love for this game and the Bills franchise every day, to those who know nothing about the business.''
"Thank u 2 all my real Bills fans. U are the reason I work as hard as i do & u will see A.M. very soon!''
I'm not sure what the rush is to get the guy in camp. Even if he got to camp on time, he wouldn't be contending for a starting job. At the same time shutting down your tweets because some Internet nerd (me) has been messaging you about getting to camp is a sign you don't like getting called out. Welcome to the NFL son. Kawaika Mitchel (Twitter extraordinaire) gave his expertise on the situation.
"u will ALWAYS face doubter/haters. Don't let them stop u. If u want to tweet or anything just do u. Haters everywhere we go.''
"get ur $ now b/c 20 yrs down the road no 1 will ever care about this. Ur play will b ur legacy. Ur not the 1st, won't b last. take ur time. We kno what u stand 4!''
"it's ridiculous 4 players 2 b blamed 4 contract disputes. If u watch the NFL, play fantasy fb, by pl cards, but tics or buy merchandise and anything else that's cost many that has to do w/ the NFL, u should understand that the business makes a lot of $. Why shouldn't the ppl doin the work benefit.
"Why shouldn't we take our time and make sure our contracts r structured to benefit us. Ppl don't be ignorant. Think about it as a business b/c the owners do.''
When did Mitchell become the go to guy when it came to issues in the NFL. First he was ticked off about Antonio Cromartie getting fined for talking s#$t about the food, now he's on a rampage against fans who want players to get into camps. I'm giving it till October for Mitchell to get fined by the NFL for saying something they don't like. I'm thinking dress code issues on the field. I'll be honest, I'm on Mitchell's side. Dude has to take care of business first and foremost. The only issue I could see it having is putting a microscope on him when reporting to camp. Once Maybin makes a mistake or is invisible during a game, you know those same fans who blamed Jason Peters play for holding out last year, will be at it again.
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