Thursday, July 29, 2010

A few things about the first day of training camp

1) Now, I know I haven't exactly been on board with the Chan Gailey hiring, but to actually hear a coach talk with emotion was music to my ears. "We're in training camp, aren't we?" responded Gailey to a question about the first day of practice being in pads. Gailey is old-school and seems like the type of coach that isn't going to cut his guys any slack. "Oh, so you don't want to fly back with the team because you want to hang out with Roy Williams? You don't want to break out the pads until next week? Yeah, you're fired!" Something tells me that we aren't going to see as many players kissing his ass like they were doing with Jauron.

2) Speaking of Jauron, how badly did we hate hearing the guy speak? After hearing Gailey talk, I couldn't help but flashback to some of the awfully bad press conferences that Jauron use to have. Ugh! I'm sure reporters were happy to get some quality quotes from the new head coach.

3) So let me get this straight, one day into training camp and the Bills have already lost two starters (Poz and Kelsay) to injury. I thought the Bills were going to avoid injuries because they hired The Body by Jake personal trainers? Maybe Poz being injury prone has something to do with it? Or maybe it's just blind luck, as Kelsay hardly ever gets hurt.

4) No surprise here that Trent Edwards is listed #1 on the depth chart. Like I said earlier this month, winning the quarterback job only guarantees you a first crack at starting, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to keep the job. Plus, it's a lot easier to have a veteran quarterback take the regins first and then if he fails, you can give the job to a younger player like Brohm.

5) BTW, can we add another nickname for Trent Edwards? Did you see those sideburns? I'm thinking "That 70's guy" would suffice. Something tells me that there's a hot girl behind Edwards decision to grow his hair out. And I'm not talking about a stylist. Sorry, but guys don't grow their hair out unless it's for a movie role or he's being influenced by a hot chick.

6) I don't think Darcy Regier could ever work as a GM in the NFL. No, it has nothing to do with him not knowing anything about football. It has to do with rookie contracts being out of control. You think the raise that Tim Kennedy got from the arbitrator pissed Regier off? What about the money that the Raiders 1st round pick got? Rolando McClain signed a 5-year, 40 million dollar deal. Yeah, something tells me that Darcy would pull his hair out after hearing about that deal.

1 comment:

  1. Joe, why are people showing so much hatred towards Maybin? is it that they wanted Orakpo or the onside kick against the Pats or because he is on the second team defense? i feel like he is getting falsely accused as a bust all ready.
